When a terrible blizzard gripped the eastern third of the United States in January 2016, some areas, especially rural and suburban locations, went without electricity for days. CNN placed the death toll at 38, with thousands more hurt by vehicle accidents, frostbite, and carbon monoxide poisoning. If you want to be prepared for the next big storm and keep your family safe and warm, here are some items you'll want to consider keeping in your home.
3 Essential Items for Thriving at Home During a Winter Power Outage
Friday, January 4, 2019 5:47:59 AM America/New_York
How to Cut and Split Firewood
Friday, January 4, 2019 5:45:31 AM America/New_York
It may be tempting to think that the act of splitting firewood is an art best left up to burly folks. Yet - if done right - a skilled guy without much meat on his bones can certainly chop enough wood for a whole winter season. The reason for this is because the real secret to cutting and splitting wood has little to do with how mighty your muscles are and everything to do with careful planning and proper technique. Without either component, you'll be setting yourself up for a day of frustration, not to mention possible injury.
How Energy Efficient is a Wood Stove?
Friday, January 4, 2019 5:42:46 AM America/New_York
Wood stoves are the best and most environmentally friendly heating system you can have in your home. Wood stoves work when the power is down, which can happen in winter snowstorms, and they are nice to sit cozily by. They also heat homes extremely effectively.
Four Reasons To Consider Installing A Wood Burning Stove
Friday, January 4, 2019 5:40:13 AM America/New_York
Homeowners living in cold-weather areas should consider installing a wood burning stove to supplement their primary source of central heat. Today's wood-burning stoves are EPA rated and burn very cleanly. They are also much safer than space heaters or propane burners; their catalytic action creates less ash and creosote, leading to fewer chimney fires as long as there has been adequate flue maintenance. There are four other reasons to consider adding a wood burning stove to a home.